Audrey Heller
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- http://www.audreyheller.com
- $40 - $1500
Bill Burch
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- http://www.pinzetteglass.com
- $22 - $1400
Bill Weber at The Grand Gallery
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- $10 - $30,000
Bonnie Polson
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- https://www.bonniepolsonphotography.com
- $5 - $$1000
Carol Jenkins
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- https://caroljenkinsart.com/
- $100-$2500
Christopher Peterson
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- http://Christopherpetersonfineart.com
- $75 - $4000
Dan McGarrah
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- http://danmcgarrah.com
- $75 - $3000
Fuff Tabachnikoff
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- http://www.fuff.world
- $35 - $3500
Judith T. Irwin
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- http://www.judithtirwin.com
- $20-$3000
Kathryn Rile
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- https://kathrynrileceramics.com/
- $30 - $500
Katie Seifert
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- http://www.katieseifertart.com
- $50-$2000
Mark A Lightfoot
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- http://www.marklightfoot.com
- $20 - $1000
Mokhtar Paki
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- http://mokhtarpaki.com
- $200 - $3000
Ned Axthelm
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- http://nedaxthelm.com
- $150 - $6000
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- http://www.paqueretteclark.com
- $20 - $2500
Studio Umbralux
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- http://www.studioumbralux.com
- $10 - $4000
Susan Brooks
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- http://www.susanbrooks.com
- $25 - $2500
Ace Makerspace
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- https://acemakerspace.org
- $10 - $300
Alex D. da Silva
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- http://www.paintandabandon.com
- $450 - $2500
Angela Jernigan
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- https://revangela.substack.com
- $100 - $3000
Anja Borgstrom
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- $10 - 800
Art by Nayer
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- https://artbynayer.com/
- $5 - $850
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- http://www.norcome.com
- $150 - $4000
Betty Friedman
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- http://www.bettyfriedmanart.com
- $100 – $5,000
Bradley Holmes
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- $35-$1000
Brianna Mills
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- http://www.visualsbybri.com
- $5 to $600
Bron Wynn Kalis
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- http://Gallery12.com
- $50 - $3,000.
Bruce Pizzichillo & Dari Gordon
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- http://www.quepasaglass.com
- $100 - $12,000
Bushra Gill
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- https://www.bushragill.com/
- $75 - $5000
Cara Goldstein
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- http://www.carasartstudio.com
- $45-$950
Carla Golder
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- https://carlagolder.org/
- $40-$650
Carol Sconzert
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- https://www.Sconzert-Art.com
- $950 - $2500
Carolynn Haydu
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- http://carolynnhaydu.com
- $50 - $10,000
Chanda Beck
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- https://ezmedesigns.com
- $16 - $175
Charlene Will
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- http://www.charlenewill.com
- $50 - $2800
Charlie Sullivan
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- $300 - $1,000
Chelsea Doherty
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- https://www.chelseadoherty.com/fineart
- $10 - $1200
Chloe L Wanaselja
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- $20 - $5,000
Christine Rossi
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- https://christinerossiart.com
- $6 to $2000
claire b cotts
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- http://clairebcotts.com
- $15 - $1500
Craig Fuller
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- $40 - $100
CS Boris
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- https://www.csborisdesign.com
- $350 - $1100
Damon Manni
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- http://ManniStudio.com
- $25 - $125
Damon Powell
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- http://damonpowell.com
- $800 - $3,000
Dana DeKalb
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- http://www.danadekalb.com
- $50 - $5000
David Miller
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- http://DavidMillerArt.com
- $5 - $1500
Deb Sullivan
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- https://www.debsullivanpottery.com/
- $10 - $250
Deborah Sibony
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- https://www.studio1509fineart.com/
- $50.-$5000.
Denise Deleray
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- http://denisedeleray.com
- $25 - $2,000.
Denise Owen
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- http://www.deniseowenart.com
- $100 - $1000
Diana Markessinis
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- https://markessinis.com/
- $40 - $5000
Diane Abt
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- http://www.dianeabt.com
- $75 - $2500
Diane Komater
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- $300-$10,000
Don Santos
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- $15 - $1000
Dori Uehara
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- http://www.doriuehara.art
- $40 - $1500
Elizabeth Patrician
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- https://elizabethpatrician.com
- $20 - $1200
Elizabeth Wayman
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- http://elizabethwayman.com
- $125 - $2,000
Ellen Zucker
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- http://ellenzuckergallery.com
- $100 - $1200
Eric Murphy d.b.a. A.I. Oakland
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- https://www.instagram.com/2042gallery
- $500 to $2000
Eva Agus
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- https://evaagus.art/
- $19 - $4000
Fernanda Martinez
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- http://www.fernandamartinezart.com
- $300 - $4000
Genevieve Mage
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- $50 - $200
Gina Gaiser
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- https://ginagaiser.com/
- $5 - $500
Gina Papen
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- $20 - $2000
Giselle Shepatin
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- http://www.giselleshepatin.com
- $15-$800
Goran Konjevod
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- https://organicorigami.com
- $75 - $800
Green Chile Woodworks
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- https://www.instagram.com/greenchilewoodworks/
- $10 -$300
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- http://gregoirevion.com
- $600 - $7600
Grettel Lemus
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- http://www.grettellemus.com
- $300 - $1500
Guillermo Navarrete Davis
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- http://gnavarrete.weebly.com
- $6 - $2000
Heidi Abramson
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- http://www.Abramson-Art.com
- $35 - $2500
Helen Jungsun Kang
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- https://helenjungsun.wixsite.com/helenjungsun
- $03 - $750
Ilah Jarvis
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- http://www.ilahjarvis.com
- $30 - $700
Isadora Gullov-Singh
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- http://www.igsartstudio.com
- $100 - 8000
Itsuko Zenitani
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- http://www.berkeleypotters.com/artists/itsuko-zenitani
- $20- $450
Jamie Morgan
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- http://jamiemorganart.com
- $350 - $3000
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- http://janakaruiz.wordpress.com
- $80 - $600
Jane Yuen Corich
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- http://janeyuencorich.com
- $50.-$3500.
Jean Sanchirico
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- http://www.jeansanchirico.com
- $245 - $2000
Jen Fabish
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- https://www.jenfabish.com/
- $10 - $2600
Jenn Doyle Crane
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- http://www.doylecrane.com
- $25 - $5000
Jim Rosenau – This Into That
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- http://ThisIntoThat.com
- 65-500
Jo Ann Biagini
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- $200- $5000
Joe Gegan
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- http://joegegan.com
- $200-$6000
Johanna Poethig
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- https://johannapoethig.com
- $200 - $9000
Joseph Fry
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- $50-$400
Joyce Ertel Hulbert
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- http://www.joyce-ertel-hulbert.com
- $250 -$XXX
JS Webster
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- http://jswebster.com
- $100 - $300
Jules Kobelin
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- http://www.kobelin.com
- $50 - $3,000
Julia Kirillova
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- https://berkeleypotters.com/artist/julia-kirillovahttps://juliakir61.wordpress.comhttps://juliakir61.wordpress.com
- $35 - $5000
Julie Atkinson
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- http://www.julieatkinsonart.com
- $650 - $1500
Julie Cohn
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- https://www.juliecohnfineart.com/
- $20 - $4800
Juliet Mevi
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- http://www.mevi-shiflett.com
- $20 - $800
Karen Janes
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- $85 - $400
Karen Kramer
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- http://www.karenkramerart.com
- $5 - $1900
Kate Rado
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- https://www.kateradoart.com/fineart
- $5-$500
Katherine Bacher
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- http://Etsy.com/shop/ArtsyKaethi
- $ 20 - 450.00
Kathleen Gadway
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- http://kathleengadway.com
- $100 - $1200