Kathryn Rile
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- https://kathrynrileceramics.com/
- $30 - $500
Bradley Holmes
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- $35-$1000
Chanda Beck
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- https://ezmedesigns.com
- $16 - $175
Deb Sullivan
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- https://www.debsullivanpottery.com/
- $10 - $250
Diana Markessinis
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- https://markessinis.com/
- $40 - $5000
Don Santos
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- $15 - $1000
Itsuko Zenitani
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- http://www.berkeleypotters.com/artists/itsuko-zenitani
- $20- $450
Johanna Poethig
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- https://johannapoethig.com
- $200 - $9000
Joseph Fry
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- $50-$400
Julia Kirillova
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- https://berkeleypotters.com/artist/julia-kirillovahttps://juliakir61.wordpress.comhttps://juliakir61.wordpress.com
- $35 - $5000
Kavamore Press
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- https://www.kavamorepress.com/
- $5-$500
Mari Emori
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- https://berkeleypotters.com/artist/mari-emori
- $50 - $2,500
Ofra Fisher
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- http://www.ofrafisher.com
- $100 - $2500
Patricia Williamson
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- https://kitchennookceramics.com/
- $5 - $100
Piper Christine
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- http://www.thermotrope.com
- $15-$150
Stephen Ruby
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- https://www.stephenrubyceramics.com/
- $20 - $1000
Studio Talu
- December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
- $25 - $350