Terri Scheid

Terri Scheid began her career as a ceramic artist as a young girl in the backyard of her family’s southern Ohio home: she mined her own clay from the veins (of clay) found in the mud after heavy rainstorms, pinched some pots, and baked them on top of the shed in the hot summer sun.

Lightbox Collective

The lightbox collective is a small community of artists who have turned their cramped garage into a studio space for printmaking, ceramics, stained glass art, and music. Come see how we make it work in such a small space, and our wide variety of crafts. @Orbit.Press draws inspiration from collective living and hopeful futures to

Francesca Borgatta

Francesca Borgatta Bio and Artist’s Statement for EBOS My parents were artists and teachers. My mother taught me papier mache’ and ceramics, and my father taught me to draw. My favorite medium as a child was puppetry. I liked to used the figures I made to tell stories. When I was 19, I apprenticed with