
Ann Ben Shalom

I have a BA in fine art from UC Berkeley. Having just retired from careers as a Sign Language Interpreter and then a Preschool Teacher, I am now devoting all my time to painting. I have exhibited in a show called Things With Wings at the ACCI Gallery, Berkeley.
I paint intuitive abstracts and semi-abstracts in acrylics. Starting with play, I try to tap into the unselfconscious, non-judgmental curiosity of young children, exploring colors, marks, shapes, textures, and brushstrokes, playing with different tools, responding to what I see on the canvas, layering, covering up and removing paint until something emerges that surprises and excites me. I love both the serious and the whimsical, responding to emotions, songs, stories, places both real and imagined. One day I might paint a vase of flowers, and another day a tiger with wings might show up. I love going into the studio not knowing what I’m going to do. Every painting is a new adventure. It requires trust that something will come from nothing. Embracing the uncertainty.

Location and Contact Information

Participating Weekends
Artwork Price Range
Studio or Exhibition Space Address
921 Everett Street, El Cerrito, CA, USA
Languages Spoken
English, ASL
Accessibility Information
Not wheelchair accessible