
Anja Borgstrom

Rich color and texture are my signature, married with imaginary land and seascapes that emerge from energetic, abstract brush work, markings, and carvings. On wood or paper, acrylic paint is my primary medium, yet often drawing, printmaking, &/or collage play a role. Central themes are: connection to nature, varied pathways in life, and darkness to light ; expressing potent transformation.

CCAC BFA - ‘86 Oakland, CA
Printmaking major, Summa Cum Laude
Showing almost every year since.

Location and Contact Information

Participating Weekends
December 7 and 8, 11am - 5pm
Artwork Price Range
$10 - 800
Studio or Exhibition Space Address
Sawtooth Building Studio #11, 930 Dwight Way, Berkeley, CA, 94710, USA
Languages Spoken
Accessibility Information
Yes, access from neighboring Sawtooth building studio entrance on 8th Street:
2501 8th Street