
Angela Jernigan

Angela Jernigan is a painter and mixed media artist who creates visual medicine that supports the integration and clarification of her work as a community-based minister and soul care counselor with care providers of underserved young people. Her creative work grapples with questions of personal and collective power, individual and community healing, female bodies and the Earth's body, dynamism and diversity, movement and stillness , and the incarnation of spirit in flesh. Her artwork is colorful, rich, layered, textured, and oriented toward what she finds enlivening—even as her creative process turns toward divisions, disconnections, skewed relations, broken-openness and incompleteness. Her first calling is as an ordained community-based minister of love and justice in a breaking open world. Some ministers preach sermons, Rev. Angela creates visual art. Her work is a celebration of aliveness against all odds.

Through her artwork, Angela embraces the marriage of the mystical and the mundane, the secular and the sacred. She uses a combination of acrylic paint, chalk and oil pastel, pencil, crayon, and collage materials from everyday ephemera of life. She paints and collages on scrap wood that is donated from local craftsman in her neighborhood of West Berkeley. Her work often includes place-scapes featuring the East Bay hills, which she has gazed upon and been held by in time of extreme dislocation, lostness, and restoration. She creates works that are a visceral experience from a distance, with more and more revealed as the viewer comes close.

Location and Contact Information

Participating Weekends
Artwork Price Range
$50 - $500
Studio or Exhibition Space Address
2712 Ninth St, Berkeley, CA, USA
Social Media Platforms
Languages Spoken
Accessibility Information
