
Andrew Brown

I’m here only once in this beautiful, messy world and I’m astonished to find myself—of all things—a full time easel painter in Oakland! I paint because I have to. My only art training is a lifelong obsession with Goya, and thirty years of constantly evolving, expressive, live model drawing. And painting. Lots of painting.

I adore color. My canvases are tactile and painterly—rendered in traditional oils. Their physicality is best appreciated up close. Close enough to see the brushstrokes and to spook the guard in a museum gallery. Viewers tend to linger because the paintings work on multiple levels. Inspired by Bosch and Goya, I mix high and low brow. I like the fantastical, and the grotesque. As each painting evolves, odd juxtapositions and cheeky hidden imagery emerge. I want viewers to get sucked in and ask themselves, “What on earth is going on here?” In short: this body of work is a brightly hued, kaleidoscopic, tragicomical looking glass into what it is to be human. Come see it!

Location and Contact Information

Participating Weekends
Artwork Price Range
$250 - $5000
Studio or Exhibition Space Address
412 36th Street, Oakland, CA 94609, USA
Social Media Platforms
Languages Spoken
English, some French and Spanish
Accessibility Information
Lower level of the studio is wheelchair accessible.