Ways to support ebos

Become a Community Hub

As a Community Hub, your space would help support East Bay artists by providing exhibition opportunities—especially for those without access to a home studio. We are looking for art spaces, galleries, and community venues willing to host artists during EBOS Summer (May 31–June 1 & June 7–8) and/or EBOS Winter (December 6–7).

What It Means to Be a Community Hub:

  • Provide exhibition space for one or more artists during EBOS Summer and/or Winter

  • Host artists onsite during open hours (11 AM – 5 PM) so they can engage with visitors

  • No commission collected on art sales

  • Help promote the event and your participating artists through your own channels

  • Be a location to provide marketing materials to EBOS visitors & artists starting a month before the event

What You’ll Receive in Return:

  • Visibility & Promotion: Mentions in 4 OAM/EBOS emails and social media posts per event

  • Brand Recognition: Your logo featured in printed marketing materials and on the EBOS website for a year

  • Increased Foot Traffic: Introduce your space to new audiences and art enthusiasts before and during the event

If you’re interested—or know of other spaces that might be—please send an email to ebos@oaklandartmurmur.org to discuss this opportunity further.

Volunteer with us!

We’re looking for a stellar team to support events, programs, and tasks. Fill out our Volunteer Interest Form to stay informed on volunteer opportunities.


Art is a vital and essential expression of the human spirit that transcends time, place, and culture. Oakland Art Murmur is a champion of the arts, and we are redoubling our efforts to strengthen the vital role the arts play in the lives of those in the vibrant communities that make up the East Bay.

Your donation dollars give us the power to make it all happen.