Shay Stephens
Somewhere around birth I had the urge to be creative. Discovering I could hold a crayon I scribbled on the walls like a primitive. By first grade I was drawing mermaids on my math tests. Fast forward, the adult child goes to Academy of Art, studies Fashion Illustration and graduates to find that field no longer exists. Falling back on Illustration in general, I end up doing storyboarding for movies. I still Love telling stories with my Art. Currently I’m fascinated with depicting the lore of The Absinthe Green Fairy—the muse of artists in the Belle Epoch. In one of my illustrations she’s whispering to Oscar Wilde. It’s a plausible story I deduced about her instigating one of his pranks. I Love the Empowerment of Feminine energy. Like the playfulness of the Sanskrit word, “Lila”, the “Divine Play”—both destructive and creative.